Ceramic Pall Ring

Ceramic Pall Ring

Ceramic Pall Ring is a kind of random packing further developed based on Raschig Ring, with two layers of windows opened along its tube wall.

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Parameters of Ceramic Pall Ring

Name Size Diameter (mm) Weight(kg/m3) Pieces(m3) Surface Area(m2/m3) Void(%)
Ceramic Pall Ring ø25 25*25*3 630 36000 210 73
ø38 38*38*4 590 12000 140 75
ø50 50*50*5 520 4,900 100 78
ø76 76*76*9 470 1,500 70 80

Advantages of Ceramic Pall Ring

  • This pall ring packing suits in low-pressure drop, high capacity applications
  • A range of sizes allows the tower to operate at optimum efficiency and throughput
  • The high degree of randomness
  • The consistent ratio of free and blocked passages, independent of orientation
  • large Surface area: volume ratio augments the rate of liquid film surface renewal to improve mass transfer

The random tower packing has been intended that Pall ring can be used in almost all kinds of separation, constant decompressions, absorb plants, compounding ammonia plant, desulfurization, decarbonization, separation of isooctane/methylbenzene, separation of ethylbenzene, aeration, absorption, desorption, degassing, stripping action, extraction, heat recovery, and atmospheric pressure s separation and absorption, it is when the owner pressure drop happens at a critical level.

Furthermore, it is also used for quench towers, direct contact cooling, steam stripping, reaction columns distillation columns, and tower packing. Pall ring has been designed in different sizes to optimize its capability and efficiency of performance on various application requirements.

Naike is a tower packing manufacturer that offers reliable ceramic pall ring products. If you want to know more, please contact us!

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