Water Removal Agent For Lithium Ion Battery Electrolytes

Water Removal Agent For Lithium Ion Battery Electrolytes

As electrolytes are highly sensitive to moisture, water removal is a crucial component in the production of electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries. Currently, water removal methods for Li-ion battery electrolytes are mainly physical and chemical water removal. Chemical water removal uses chemical agents to remove water from electrolytes. However, it will also introduces other impurities, making purification more complicated. In addition, chemical dewatering agents are expensive consumables that cannot be recycled and will increase the manufacturing cost of lithium-ion battery electrolytes.

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Naike Chemical has developed an updated physical water removal material specifically designed for the lithium battery industry. This lithium-based porous material remains stable and does not react chemically with the electrolyte. Instead, it adsorbs water from the lithium-ion battery’s electrolyte. Ideally, water removal efficiencies below 10PPM can be achieved with our updated physical water removal material. This will ensure the purity of the electrolyte by not introducing large amounts of impurities during dehydration. Particularly, Naike Chemical offers post-use recycling services that support the exchange of spent materials for fresh ones so that physical water removal materials can be reused multiple times. Under certain conditions, the material is expected to be recycled more than 10 times, making it not only environmentally friendly and energy efficient, but also reducing the manufacturing cost of lithium-ion battery electrolytes.

Advantages of our updated physical

water removal material:

Items Updated physical water removal material Chemical water removal agents
Water removal effects Below 10PPM Below 10PPM
Impurity  Trace amounts of ions Large amounts of ions
Purity of electrolyte High Low
Crystallization process Convenience Complexity
Service life Long-term cyclic use Disposable
Initial cost Moderate Expensive
Final cost Low High

Advantages of our updated physical

water removal material:

Items  Updated physical water removal material Traditional physical water removal materials
Water removal effects Below 10PPM Below 10PPM
Absorption rate of original liquid  None Certain amount or higher
Impurity  Trace amounts of cations Large amounts of anions
Crystallization High  Medium
Service life Long-term cyclic use Long-term cyclic use
Initial cost High Low
Final cost Low High


The significant impacts of our updated physical water removal agent on improving the performance of lithium-ion batteries is primarily demonstrated by:

1. Higher thermal stability

2. Higher electrical conductivity

3. Better hydrolysis resistance

4. Better low-temperature performance

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