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Achema 2024 Germany-We will be there
Achema 2024-We will be there 10-14 June 2024 You are welcome to visit us at our booth and talk to us live!

What is metal pall ring?
What is metal pall ring? 1. Open Structure: The pall ring has a unique geometric structure with windows or openings on the surface. This open design allows for increased liquid and gas contact points, enhancing mass transfer. 2. Multi-Faceted Surface:The exterior of the metal pall ring is often characterized by…

활성 알루미나란 무엇인가요?
What is Activated Alumina? Activated alumina is a porous, granular form of aluminum oxide that has a high surface area. It is often used as a desiccant, which means it has the ability to adsorb and hold water vapor from the surrounding air. This makes activated alumina a popular choice…