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What is PVDF Material?

What is PVDF Material? Polyvinylidene fluoride, commonly known as PVDF, is a high-performance thermoplastic polymer. It belongs to the fluoropolymer family and is known for its exceptional chemical resistance, mechanical strength, and thermal stability. PVDF is a semi-crystalline polymer with a high melting point, making it suitable for various demanding applications. Here are some key properties and characteristics of PVDF: Chemical Resistance: PVDF is resistant to a wide range of chemicals, acids, and solvents, making it suitable for use in corrosive environments. Mechanical Strength: It has good mechanical properties, including high tensile strength and impact resistance. This makes PVDF suitable…

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What is Pressure Swing Adsorption(PSA) Technology?

What is Pressure Swing Adsorption(PSA) Technology? In a significant stride towards advancing gas separation processes, a cutting-edge technology known as Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) has been introduced, showcasing promising capabilities in enhancing efficiency and sustainability across various industries. Revolutionizing Gas Separation: Pressure Swing Adsorption technology, a breakthrough in the field of gas separation, operates on the principle of selectively adsorbing gases using a solid adsorbent material. The introduction of PSA marks a paradigm shift in the way industries approach gas purification and separation processes. Key Features and Benefits: PSA technology offers several key advantages, including high efficiency, reduced energy consumption,…

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Как работает Pall Ring?

How does Pall Ring Work? In a breakthrough for chemical processing, the application of Pall Rings has surged as industries embrace the innovative design’s efficient mass transfer principles. The Pall Ring’s distinctive structure is proving instrumental in enhancing separation and purification processes across various industrial applications. Revolutionary Design: The Pall Ring’s success lies in its unique design, featuring a series of windows and internal structural elements. This design optimizes surface area and facilitates superior gas-liquid distribution, setting it apart from traditional packing materials. The revolutionary structure maximizes efficiency in mass transfer, making it a sought-after solution for industries seeking advanced…

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Индустрия молекулярных сит, генерирующих кислород, переживает бум, помогая здравоохранению

The oxygen-generating molecular sieve industry is booming, helping the healthcare field With the improvement of people’s living standards and the intensification of aging problems, respiratory diseases have attracted increasing attention. As an efficient and environmentally friendly oxygen production technology, the oxygen production molecular sieve industry is facing unprecedented development opportunities. According to statistics, China’s oxygen-generating molecular sieve market will exceed 10 billion yuan in 2020, and is growing year by year. It is expected that by 2025, the market size will reach more than 30 billion yuan. This growth trend reflects the increasingly widespread use of oxygen-generating molecular sieves in…

Читать далееИндустрия молекулярных сит, генерирующих кислород, переживает бум, помогая здравоохранению

Применение пушечной упаковки в специальной электронной газовой промышленности

Применение пушечной упаковки в специальной электронной газовой промышленности Электронная промышленность является неотъемлемым фактором развития высокотехнологичных отраслей в современную технологическую эпоху. Из-за большого количества типов необходимых газов и требований к их качеству, газы, используемые в электронной промышленности, принято называть специальными электронными газами, чтобы отличать их от других газохимических областей. Основными специальными электронными газами являются трифторметан, фторид серы, трифторид азота, трихлорид бора и др. Трифторметан (CHF3), известный также как фтороформ, представляет собой органический сложный газ, который при комнатной температуре не имеет цвета и запаха, растворим в воде,...

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